Error estimation for rv measurements

by Malin Moll

Error estimation for rv measurements

Now we are collecting data from the YHGs for almost a year. Among the measuring instruments are also some LhiRes III instruments, which are known to be difficult for more accurate rv measurements.
Therefore we have written a script for the software ESO-MIDAS, with which we can recalibrate the spectra based on the telluric lines and perform an error analysis.

The script is still undergoing testing and is constantly being improved. The aim is to provide a well-founded assessment of data quality. Nevertheless, we would now like to make a first, still incomplete, consideration:


Data with an average of R 12,000 and an average SNR of 180 are available for consideration. Exposure time was 12 x 300sec. The date is plotted on the X-axis and the error value is plotted on the Y-axis, which resulted after recalibration.
One can see well the dependence on the water concentration of the atmosphere and the declination. In addition, in winter rho Cas is currently at a minimum (semi-regular pulsation), which makes some telluric lines unusable by blends, since at low temperatures some lines of neutral elements form.

Here you can find more information about the script:


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