Specific Stars




β Orionis:

Hα line profile variability in the B8Ia-type supergiant Rigel (β Ori) (engl., 670 kb) Morrison et al. (2008)

Time, spatial, and spectral resolution of the Hα line-formation region of Deneb and Rigel (engl., 2060 kb) Chesneau et al. (2010)

Θ¹ Orionis C:

The magnetic field and confined wind of the O star Θ¹ Orionis C (engl., 670 kb) Wade et al. (2008)

The magnetic field and wind confinement of Θ¹ Orionis C (engl., 3930 kb) Donati et al. (2002)

Chandra HETGS Multi-phase Spectroscopy of the Young Magnetic O Star Θ¹ Orionis C (engl., 965 kb) Gagné et al. (2005)

A large, periodic variation in the stellar wind of Θ¹ Orionis C (engl., 489 kb) Walborn & Nichols (1994)

A Revised Geometry for the Magnetic Wind of Θ¹ Orionis C (engl., 235 kb) Smith (2004)

Θ¹ Orionis C - A triple system? (engl., 231 kb) Lehmann et al. (2010)

Discovery of a strong magnetic field on the O star HD 191612: new clues to the future of Θ¹ Orionis C?. (engl., 164 kb) Donati et al. (2008)

Long-term monitoring of Θ¹ Ori C: the spectroscopic orbit and ... (engl., 173 kb) Stahl et al. (2008)

Magnetfelder heißer Sterne an den Beispielen σ Ori E und Θ¹ Ori C (dtsch., 7340 kb) Reiners (1999)

ε Aurigae:

Precision UBVJH Single Channel Photometry of Epsilon Aurigae (220 kb) Hopkins & Stencel

Spectroscopic Wonders During The 2010 Eclipse Of Epsilon Aurigae

ζ Tauri:

Spectroscopic State of the Be Star ζTauri in 1976 - 1986 (engl., 1180 kb) Mon et al. (1992)

P Cygni:

On the Spectrum and Nature of P Cygni (engl., 5335 kb) de Groot (1969)


Spectral atlas of P Cygni Stahl


Electron Scattering in the Expanding Atmosphere of P Cygni (engl., 746 kb) Bernat & Lambert (1978)


Spectroscopic variations of P Cygni during 1990-1992 (engl., 885 kb) Stahl et al. (1994)


A spectroscopic investigation of P Cygni (engl., 999 kb) Najarro et al. (1997)


New aspects of line-profle variability in P Cygni's optical spectrum (engl., 312 kb) Markova (2000)


P Cygni-spectral atlas with complete line identifications... (engl., 728 kb) Markova et al. (1995)

γ Cassiopaiae:

On the kinematics of the envelope of γ Cassiopaiae (engl., 850 kb) Stee (1996)


γ Cassiopaiae revisited by spectrally resolved interferometry (engl., 2591 kb) Stee et al. (1995)


On the inner envelope of the Be star γ Cassiopaiae (engl., 212 kb) Stee et al. (1998)


Support for a white dwarf in the Be star binary γ Cassiopaiae (engl., 74 kb) Apparao (2002)


Interferometric insight into γ Cassiopaiae long-term variability (engl., 307 kb) Berio et al. (1999)


On the rapid spectral variability of Be-stars (engl., 1294 kb) Chalabaev et al. (1983)


Long-term interferometric varaibility in UV absorption lines of γ Cassiopaiae (engl., 2473 kb) Telting et al. (1994)


A MULTIWAVELENGTH CAMPAIGN ON γ CASSIOPAIAE II (engl., 595 kb) Smith et al. (1998)


A MULTIWAVELENGTH CAMPAIGN ON γ CASSIOPAIAE III (engl., 864 kb) Smith et al. (1999)


A MULTIWAVELENGTH CAMPAIGN ON γ CASSIOPAIAE IV (engl., 731 kb) Cranmer et al. (2000)




Long-term High-resolution Spectroscopy of γ CASSIOPAIAE (engl., 414 kb) Bjorkman et al. (2007)


Long-term changes in emission line and continuum spectrum of γ CASSIOPAIAE (engl., 2500 kb) Telting et al. (1993)


Rapid spectral variations of the Be star γ CASSIOPAIAE (engl., 71 kb) Guo (1994)


Properties and nature of Be stars γ CASSIOPAIAE IV (engl., 233 kb) Harmanec et al. (2003)


Nonradial oscillations of the Be star γ Cas (engl., 1400 kb) Yang et al. (1988)


Binary Nature and Long-Term Variations of γ Cassiopaiae (engl., 172 kb) Miroshnichenko et al. (1988)

δ Scorpii:

Spectroscopy of the growing circumstellar disk in the δ Scorpii Be binary (engl., 340 kb) Miroshnichenko et al. (2003)


Near infra-red and optical spectroscopy of Delta Scorpii (engl., 204 kb) Banerjee et al. (2001)


Spectroscopic observations of δ Scorpii during its recent periastron passage (engl., 360 kb) Miroshnichenko et al. (2001)

zeta Puppis:

BRITE-Constellation high-precision time-dependent photometry of the early-O-type supergiant  Puppis unveils the photospheric drivers of its small- and large-scale wind structures (engl., 16,3 mb) , Ramiaramanantsora et al. (2016)