Transmission function of the red atmospheric oxygen bands (engl., 4108 kb) Nakazawa et al. (1978) O2-O2 absorption band identifcation based on optical depth spectra of the visible and near-infrared (engl., 145 kb) Michalsky et al. (1999) Hico on-orbit calibration and data corrections (engl., 2912 kb) Gao et al. Some new features of the atmospheriv Oxygen bands, and the relative abundance of the isotopes O16, O18 (engl., 457 kb) Babcock (1929) Fine Structure of the Red System of Atmospheric Oxygen Bands (engl., 1556 kb) Babcock & Herzberg (1948) Terestial O2 lines used as wavelength references: Comparison of measurements and model computations (engl., 350 kb) Balthasar et al. (1982) |